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What's in a name?

Colouring Sheet

Why does Jesus have lots of names?

The colouring sheet shows just a few of the names Jesus is known as. There are lots of names in the bible that are given to God or Jesus. Why? What is wrong with just having one name?

Well, think about yourself. You might think you only have one name but actually you will have more than you realise. 
Are you a son or daughter? 
Or a husband or wife or partner? 
Maybe you use a slightly different name at work than you do at home?
Do your friends have a nickname for you? 
These names tell us something about you and Jesus and God's names tell us about them.

How do we use these names?

Some of the bible names are only used once or twice, some are used repeatedly. The story you find them in will help explain why the name was used and that can help us realise when we should use them.

An example would be to use Bread of Life during communion as this helps us to think about the name and the service.

I find it helpful to think about the names when I am praying because it helps me reflect on all the different aspects of God and who He is.

Almighty. Creator. Holy. Father. Messiah. 

So much to understand and these names help us to see more of our wonderful God.

Activities to try

One more idea

List the words and names that apply to you and think about what it says about you. Then have a think about names for Jesus and what they say about Him. If there are any you don't understand then there will be information available online. Try Ministry To Children.

Blessings of God to you all as always. Keep yourselves safe and enjoy the activities and colouring page.


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