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Showing posts from September, 2020
Choose Your Words Carefully Have you ever been upset by something someone has said to you. Or maybe it was the way it was said that hurt you. Remember that as you speak to others. Choose words that are caring and be careful to not be mean. Because, if kind words are sweet like honey, mean words are like thorns. They dig in and hurt when you say them, and they keep hurting for sometime afterwards too. Kind words So what would be kind things to say?  Complements about something someone has done, made or said. Or grown, baked, drawn, mended . . . the list could go on forever Or that you like something they are wearing. This can be hard and against our natural inclination. I see people wearing something cool but I'm not brave enough to say, which is a shame because I feel good when someone says something to me. 👕    👠    👟    👖    👗 It could be caring words asking how someone is or offering help when it is needed. Concern is care as long as you mean it, and aren't just being n

Harvest and thankfulness

    Harvest This coming Sunday we will be celebrating Harvest during our all-age service. I wanted to write you a poem or two to help us think about what harvest means to us today. It is a bit about food and all the fruit and vegetables we can pick and enjoy at this time of year. But, because most of us don't grow all of our food any more, it is also a chance to be thankful for all the good things we enjoy in our lives. Thankfulness What are you thankful for? It could be your family and the extra time you've had to spend with them this year. It could be that you are healthy and fit and are able to use that to help others. Maybe it is the place you live, or the community you are part of, or the beauty of our earth and universe. Even in the hard times we should try to be thankful for what God has given us. This isn't always easy but can mean that we become more aware of the goodness of God, instead of the problems of earth. Hebrews 13:15 15   Through Jesus, therefore, let us
Steadfast Do you know what steadfast means?  Imagine an anchor holding a ship in place. ⚓ It is firm and fixed and reliable. We are told in these bible verses that this is what God's love is like.  God wants us to know His love each and every day. This doesn't mean that there will be no problems in our lives but, instead, that He is there to help us through it. A New Dawn As you wake up in the morning it is a chance to start anew. Yesterday is gone and today is only here for one day. What will you do today to make this a special day?  Is there something you've been putting off?  Where do you need change and refreshing? Breathe in the new dawn and new day to realise God's faithfulness and that He is there for you when you call on Him. Activities Do Dawn .🌅🌄🌞  One day try to be up to see dawn and realise the excitement of the gift of another day. Sunshine hand print. Use your hand to print a sunshine image. Keep turning the paper until there are finger rays all the way

Studying the Word

What is the Bible? The bible is not a single book but is, actually, a collection of books written around 2000 to 3000 years ago. These books include history and stories, laws, guidance and good advice, poetry and songs. They teach us about God, what He is like and our relationship with Him. The Bible starts with an idea of how the universe began and ends with an idea of what the future may hold. In between that is the story of God and His chosen people. These people make mistakes and have huge triumphs, good days and bad days, just like we do as well. Reading the Bible Have you read much of the bible? Maybe you know a few of the stories and recognise some of the verses that are used at weddings and funerals. Reading the Bible isn't always easy and it isn't really made to be read from cover to cover, though you can if you want. Some of the stories are written more than once to get more than one viewpoint.  So, how should you read the Bible? Try and find a way that suits you. May