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Studying the Word

What is the Bible?

The bible is not a single book but is, actually, a collection of books written around 2000 to 3000 years ago. These books include history and stories, laws, guidance and good advice, poetry and songs. They teach us about God, what He is like and our relationship with Him.

The Bible starts with an idea of how the universe began and ends with an idea of what the future may hold. In between that is the story of God and His chosen people. These people make mistakes and have huge triumphs, good days and bad days, just like we do as well.

Reading the Bible

Have you read much of the bible? Maybe you know a few of the stories and recognise some of the verses that are used at weddings and funerals.

Reading the Bible isn't always easy and it isn't really made to be read from cover to cover, though you can if you want. Some of the stories are written more than once to get more than one viewpoint. 

So, how should you read the Bible? Try and find a way that suits you. Maybe you like to study it whole books at a time, or maybe just a verse or two. There are so many study guides out there to use. Below are a few examples of guides you could try.

   See the source image This is one of the places to look for ways to study the bible. They produce books of study notes or provide online daily readings and reflections.

 This is the app I have been using over the last couple of years. It goes through the whole bible, but matches stories up when they appear in more than one book. It includes a few questions each day, and a link to the Bible Project videos each time you start a new book.

See the source image These are the books I used to use as a child. Topz has a daily reading programme and special books that look at bible books. They use a daily reading and interesting activities to encourage study and prayer.

You could use daily studies like these to help you read and think about what the bible says.

Or you could try to memorise verses to come to mind when you need them. Maybe you already know some of Psalm 23. "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."


Why do we study the bible?
To get to know God and to try to understand how He wants us to live our lives. 
To learn about His Son, Jesus and His life and death.
To understand what it all means for us and our world.


Bible book challenge - can you learn all the books of the bible and get them in the right order? Maybe write them onto small bits of paper and try to sort them out.

Memory verse - Psalm 119:105 "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Can you learn this off by heart? Even the chapter and verse?

Create a mini bible out of paper and draw some of your favourite bible stories. I included some of Jesus Parables in mine.

Puppet show - Maybe you could re-enact your favourite stories with puppets or pictures. 

I hope that you can get into the bible and read more about our amazing God. If you are puzzled about anything then get in touch with your local church and they will be able to help explain what you are reading. Don't stay puzzled, seek answers and God.

Blessings to you all.


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