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Do you know what steadfast means? 

Imagine an anchor holding a ship in place. ⚓ It is firm and fixed and reliable. We are told in these bible verses that this is what God's love is like. 

God wants us to know His love each and every day. This doesn't mean that there will be no problems in our lives but, instead, that He is there to help us through it.

A New Dawn

As you wake up in the morning it is a chance to start anew. Yesterday is gone and today is only here for one day.
  • What will you do today to make this a special day? 
  • Is there something you've been putting off? 
  • Where do you need change and refreshing?
Breathe in the new dawn and new day to realise God's faithfulness and that He is there for you when you call on Him.


Do Dawn.🌅🌄🌞 
One day try to be up to see dawn and realise the excitement of the gift of another day.

Sunshine hand print.
Use your hand to print a sunshine image. Keep turning the paper until there are finger rays all the way around the palm print sun.

Look out for God
Look out for a God moment today. An unexpected good event, a beautiful flower, a message from a friend. God wants you to notice Him in the ordinary and every day, not just the religious and ritual.


In the 1971 musical Godspell (Stephen Schwartz), a prayer from St. Richard of Chichester is adapted to a create a simple prayer.

Day by day,
Dear Lord, of thee three things I pray:
To see thee more clearly,
Love thee more dearly,
Follow thee more nearly,
Day by Day.

May we pray this each day remembering His steadfast love and faithfulness. Amen.



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