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Time to say goodbye

 The End A funny way to start I know but this is my last blog for this page. After 16 years at Pershore Baptist Church I am stepping down as the Children's worker. What an amazing time I have had.  We have run so many events and activities over the past decade and a half and I have met soooooo many families and children that I have lost count, and definitely forgotten a lot of names. Blessed When we moved to Pershore I wasn't sure what the future held. I was pregnant and not working, and I didn't know anyone in town. But I joined the church and soon made friends.  When we began Little Fishes, little did I know I would still be involved in the Children's work this many years later. God has blessed me and allowed me to grow and develop in this ministry. He has given me the chance to get to know the people and town of Pershore and to be a part of your lives. Thank you I cannot really begin to say a proper thank you to everyone who has been a part of my life over these 16 y
Recent posts

Let there be love

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Light Of The World

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Hope to hang on to

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Harvest and thankfulness

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